Thursday, January 10, 2008

Alexa Cole

Nascent- recently come into existence
POS- Noun
RW- Birht (s), emerging (s), beginning (s)
Sentence- The nascent of life in the spring brings a smile to my face.

Verisimilitude- something appears to be true
POS- Noun
RW- impossible (a), truth (s), false (a)
Sentence- The verisimilitude of the tornado did not hit the people of the toen until it was to late.

Deleterious- harmful in an unexpected way
POS- Adjective
RW- prenicious (s), harmful (s), gentle (a)
Sentence- The deleterious horse kicked me.

Vitriolic- fill somehting with hatred
POS- noun
RW- offensive (s), Hateful (s), mean (s)
Sentence- My sister made me cry when she made a vitriolic comment about me to my mom.

Obsequious- must please or obey
POS- adjective
RW- subservient (s), Obey (s), respectfel (s)
Sentence- My obsequious sister makes me look bad in front of my parents.

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