Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Andrea's Vocab

Description- Beginning to exist or develop.
POS- Adj.
Synonyms- Beginning, Blossoming, Bursting.
Sentence- Lauren’s baby was nascent inside of her, he was beginning to develop.

Description- The appearance of truth.
P.O.S- Noun.
Synonyms- Color, Credibility, Genuineness
Sentence- Jared’s comment about how beautiful Brooke was very verisimilitude, he meant every word.

Description- Injurious to health.
P.O.S- Adjective.
Synonyms- Bad, Damaging, Destroying.
Sentence- Motocross is a deleterious sport, it could be very injurious if you mess up.

Description- Very caustic, scathing.
P.O.S- Adjective.
Synonyms- Biting, Caustic, Harsh.
Sentence- David’s lecture was very vitriolic, he was very harsh and rude.

Description- Obedient.
P.O.S- Adjective.
Synonyms- Abject, Bootlicking, Respectful.
Sentence-Delaney was a very obsequious child, she was very respectful and obedient.

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