Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Evan's vocab

1. Nascent
p.o.s- adjective
Definition- coming into existence or being born
related words- emergent, dissilient, parturient (synonyms)
sentence- The girls nascent style made her feel refreshed and renewed.

2. Verisimilitude
p.o.s- noun
definition- the quality of appearing truthful
related words- believability, plausibility, creditability (synonyms)
sentence- Though the man was accused of first degree murder, he held a certain verisimilitude that was hard to question.

3. Deleterious
p.o.s- adjective
definition- having a bad or harmful effect
related words- aiding, assisting, helpful ( antonyms)
sentence- Lack of exercise and proper nutrition can be deleterious to your health.

4. Vitriolic
P.o.s- adjective
definition- able to cause mental anguish or stress
related words- acrid, astringent, biting ( synonyms)
sentence- I found his words to be merely vitriolic, they did not help me in any way.

5. Obsequious
p.o.s- adjective
definition - ready to serve, compliant
related words- arrogant, assertive, brazen ( antonyms)
sentence- Our obsequious waiter was both attentive and optimistic.

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