Thursday, November 29, 2007

Anthony's Vocab

Soporific- Something that causes sleep
POS: adjective
Sentence: His soporific powers began to take hold of us as he continued his sermon.
Related Words: Synonyms – Lethargic, drowsy, sleepy

Prevaricate- not to be true or stray away from something true
POS: intransitive verb
Sentence: He was prevaricating.
Related Words: Synonyms- Equivocate, lie, fib

Reprehensible- needing punishment or harsh criticism
POS: transitive verb
Sentence: What she did was reprehensible.
Related Words: Censure, etymology-Latin reprehendere, condemn

Penitent- showing humility or another apologetic emotion for a sin or wrong action
POS: adjective
Sentence: His reaction was penitent.
Related Words: Synonym- Repentant, regretful, sorrowful

Rapacious-exceedingly ravenous
POS: adjective
Sentence: The hippos ate rapaciously, they were hungry.
Related Words: Synonyms- Ravenous, insatiable, voracious

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