Monday, November 26, 2007

Dan O's Vocab Week of 11/26

Soporific - causes sleep
POS - adjective
Related Words - tranquilizing, mesmerizing, hypnotic (synonyms)
Sentence - The instructor's hour long lectures are very soporific.
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Prevaricate - to lie
POS - verb
Related Words - belie, con, fabricate (synonyms)
Sentence - The president prevaricated to the people in his speech.
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Reprehensible - deserving of rebuke
POS - adjective
Related Words - blamable, blameworthy, guilty (synonyms)
Sentence - The drunk driver was the reprehensible person in the car accident.
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Penitent - feeling or expressing sorrow or guilt
POS - adjective
Related Words - remorseful, sorrowful, guilty (synonyms)
Sentence - The penitent man felt guilty after he hit his car into the boy riding his bike.
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Rapacious - greedy
POS - adjective
Related Words - extortionate, avaricious, ravening (synonyms)
Sentence - The rapacious man refused to give any money to his church.
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Jackson said...
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Julie Schellenberg said...

Good job, Dan