Monday, November 26, 2007

Ashley Botham Vocab week 11-26/11-30

Vocab Week 11-26/11-30

1) Soporific-

Description: sleep, sleepiness, causes sleepiness
Part of Speech: adjective
Related Words: Synonyms- calming, dozy, and slumberous
Sentence: The soporific sleeping pill caused me to fall asleep quickly.
Picture: On Separate Sheet

2) Prevaricate-

Description: to speak falsely or misleadingly, to lie.
Part of Speech: verb
Related Words: Synonyms-belie, distort, and exaggerate
Sentence: The prevaricative criminal gave a false testimony on the stand.
: On Separate Sheet

3) Reprehensible-

Description: to rebuke, blameworthy
Part of Speech: adjective
Related Words: Synonyms- bad, blamable, and sinful
Sentence: The dog’s reprehensible action of peeing in the house angered his owner.
Picture: On Separate Sheet

4) Penitent-

Description: feeling or expressing sorrow for sin or wrongdoing, repentant
Part of Speech: adjective
Related Words: Synonyms- abject, regretful, and sorry
Sentence: The penitent child felt sorry after lying to his mother.
Picture: On Separate Sheet

5) Rapacious-

Description: excessive greed, greedy
Part of Speech: adjective
Related Words: Synonyms- avaricious, ferocious, and ravenous
Sentence: The rapacious CEO gave nothing back to his community.
Picture: On separate sheet

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Good job, Ashley