Thursday, November 29, 2007

Kelsie Stephen's Vocab

Soporific- causing sleep.
a. Adjective
b. Sym- dozy,and slumberous. ant-invigorating.
c. The soporific milk silenced the infant.

Prevaricate- to deliberately mislead/deceive.
a. verb
b. Sym- belie, fabricate, and fib.
c. The maze was cut prevaricate the people trying to find the exit.

Reprehensible- blameworthy.
b. Sym- blamable, and guilty. Ant- praiseworthy
c. The reprehensible convict stole from the guard.

Penitent- feeling or expressing sorrow/remorse for sins.
a. Adjective
b. Sym- apologetic, and regretful. Ant-unashamed.
c. The penitent murderer prayed for weeks.

Rapacious- greedy.
a. Adjective
b. Sym- predatory, and plundering. Ant- unselfish.
c. The Rapacious Grinch stole all the food and presents in Whoville.

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