Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tommy S's vocab, 11/29

POS: adjective
Description: to become sleepy, or sleepy in nature
Related Words: dull, dreary, and un-stimulating
Sentence: The pill made me become soporific.

POS: Verb
Description: to lead away from the truth
Related Words: put off, avoid, and elude
Sentence: By lying I was also prevaricating

POS: Adjective
Description: owed, or admirable
Related Words: admirable, worthy, and commendable
Sentence: A man who sticks to his morals is reprehensible.

POS: Adjective
Description: convey humble or remorseful pain or grief for fault
Related Words: remorseful, repentant, apologetic
Sentence: He cried at the loss of his father and became penitent

POS: adjective
Description: extremely selfish or jealous
Related Words: very hungry, rapacious, and money
Sentence: One who doesn’t share is very rapacious.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

"reprehensible means blameworthy---not admirable.(-4)
"Penitent" means being sorry for fault. Your sentence would only make sense if "he" was responsible for his father's death, and he wanted forgiveness for it.(-1)
"rapicious" does not mean means being predatory, or wanting something so badly one extorts it.(-2)
18/30 (-5 for no pictures.)