Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tori's Vocabulary

POS: Soporific is an adjective.
Description: Soporific is something that causes sleep.
Related Words: Anesthetic, balmy, calming(S)
Use in Sentence: The cough medicine was soporific and caused the driver to turn groggy.

POS: Prevaricate is a verb.
Description: Prevaricate means to speak falsely or misleading.
Related Words: belie, cavil, con(S)
Use in Sentence: She prevaricated me into buying the wrong kind of television for a more expensive price.

POS: Reprehensible is an adjective.
Description: Reprehensible means deserving of rebuke and blame.
Related Words: blamable, condemnable, errant (S)
use in Sentence: Cheating on a spouse is reprehensible for both man and woman.

POS: Penitent is an adjective.
Description: Penitent is feeling sorry for some wrong doing.
Related Words: atoning, attritional, rueful (S)
Use in Sentence: She felt penitent for stealing the bread.

POS: Rapacious is an adjective
Description: Rapacious means unusually greedy.
Related Words: Ravenous, grasping, avaricious (S)
Use in Sentence: She obtained a rapacious disposition on the topic of money.

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