Thursday, November 29, 2007

Jennifer Pawloski's Vocab

1. Description: Something that causes one to become sleepy.
2. Part of Speech: It is an adjective.

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4. Related words include: drowsy (synonym), dull (synonym), and invigorating (antonym).
5. Sentence: After spending hours reading the soporific textbook, John began to close his eyes.

1. Description: Giving a false imression and using misleading terms.
2. Part of Speech: It is a verb.

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4. Related words include: misrepresent (synonym), belie (synonym), and falsify (synonym).
5. Sentence: The sign prevaricated and left many confused.

1. Description: The person to blame.
2. Part of Speech: It is an adjective.
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4. Related words include: discreditable (synonym), disgraceful (synonym), and deserving(antonym).
5. Sentence: The reprehensible criminal was found guilty.

1. Description: Feeling or expressing agony because of wrongdoing.
2. Part of speech: It is an adjective.
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4. Related words include: regretful (synonym), remorseful (synonym), and unashamed (antonym).
5. Sentence: After arguing, the penitent man apologized.

1. When someone is unreasonably greedy.
2. Part of Speech: It is an adjective.

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4. Related words include: demanding (synonym), thoughtful (antonym), and unselfish (antonym).
5. Sentence: The rapacious boy made a fit in the toy store because his mom wouldn't buy him every toy he wanted.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Great job, Jennifer