Monday, November 26, 2007

Brie's Vocab

1) Soporific
Definition: sleepiness, drowzyness
POS: Adjective
RW: heavy (s), dull (s), stimulating (a)
Sentence: The soporific causing agent forced me into a deep, long sleep.


2) Prevaricate
Definition: to lie or create a false impression, misleading
POS: Verb
RW: evade (s), put off (s), stall (s)
Sentence: The man had to prevaricate in order to withhold information

3) Reprehensible
Definition: Worthy of being blamed
POS: Adjective
RW: guilty (s), liable (s), culpable (s)
Sentence: Lying is as reprehensible for a husband as for a wife.

4) Penitent
Definition: expressing or feeling sorrow
POS: Adjective
RW: remorseful (s), sorry (s), repentant (s)
Sentence: The penitent person went to church to confess his sins.

5) Rapacious
Definition: Inordinately greedy
POS: Adjective
RW: greedy (s), voracious (s), nice (a)
Sentence: The rapacious child screamed when she did not get what she wanted.

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