Thursday, November 29, 2007

Taylor's Vocab.

Soporific- A drug or narcotic that activates sleep.
POS- Noun
Sentence- The doctor gave the patient a soporific before the surgery.
Related Words- Anesthetic (S), Tranquilizing (S), Opiate (S).

Prevaricate- To avoid the truth.
POS- Verb
Sentence- The witness tried to prevaricate when answering the questions.
Related Words- Dodge (S), Distort (S), Falsify (S).

Reprehensible- Deserving punishment or blame.
POS- Adjective
Sentence- The crimes that were committed were reprehensible.
Related Words- Condemnable (S), Unholy (S), Guilty (S).

Penitent- Embarrassed because of wrong doing.
POS- Adjective
Sentence- The womens husband was penitent when she found out he cheated on her.
Related Words- Regretful (S), Sorry (S), Sorrowful (S).

Rapacious- Taking savagely.
POS- Adjective
Sentence- The coyotes were rapacious when it came to the carcass.
Related Words- Murderous (S), Ferocious (S), Greedy (S)

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

"prevaricate:" I don't get hte picture of the cat and dogs to illustrate the meaning of the word. (-1...unless you explain to me and change my mind)
"penitent:" sentence should have "woman's"" (possessive, singular) not "womens" (plural). (-1)
the word means remorseful..sorry for wrongdoing..not embarassed. (-1)
Picture does not illustrate the meaning of the word. (-1)