Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Gabrielle Whip's Vocabulary

1) soporific- def- causing sleep, POS- adjective, related words (s)- drowsy, fatigue, and tired, sentence- The sporific anesthetic caused the anxious patient to relax. picture-

2) prevaricate- def- to speak falsely or misleadingly, POS- verb, related words (s)- belie, misrepresent, and distort, sentence- The convicted felon prevaricated his story in hopes of a short sentence. picture-

3) reprehensible- def- deserving blame, POS- adjective, related words (s)- culpable, blamable, and condemnable, sentence- The serial killer was a reprehensible convict of capital punishment.

4) penitent- def- expressing sorrow for a sin or wrong doing, POS- adjective, related words (s)- remorseful, rueful, and sorrowful. sentence- The penitent woman confessed her sins to God to recieve forgivness. picture-

5) rapacious- def- greedy, POS- adjective, related words (s)- ravenous, voracious, and preying, sentence- The rapacious child consumed all the desserts before the dinner guests could taste any. picture-