Thursday, November 29, 2007

Vocab week of 11 - 26 -2007


Description – Causes sleep; pertains to sleepiness or drowsiness

POS – Adj.

Picture –

Related Words – Anesthetic (synonym), tranquilizing (synonym), invigorating (antonym)

Sentence – The play was so boring that it acted as a soporific tool to induce my sleeping.


Description – To purposely speak misleadingly; to deliberately deceive

POS – Verb

Picture –

Related Words – Belie (synonym), fabricate (synonym), speak honestly (antonym)

Sentence – He wanted to get the job so badly that he prevaricated his experience so that his one-time weekend volunteering sounded like an internship.


Description – Deserving blame or rebuke

POS – Adj.

Picture – <--

Related Words – Praiseworthy (antonym), culpable (synonym), creditable (antonym)

Sentence – Car stealing and murder are reprehensible acts committed in many high-crime cities.


Description – Feeling remorse for misdeeds; expressing sorrow for wrongdoing

POS – Adj.

Picture –

Related Words – Unashamed (antonym), unrepentant (antonym), contrite (synonym)

Sentence – The girl approached the teacher to confess he penitent feelings for having cheated.


Description - Given to seizing something for self-satisfaction; excessively greedy and grasping

POS – Adj.

Picture –

Related Words – Predatory (synonym), spartan (antonym), voracious (synonym)

Sentence – During the divorce, Jill's dad took to his typical rapacious manner and demanded the judge give him the children, the house, the cars,... everything.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Outstanding! (+5)