Thursday, November 29, 2007

Nick's vocab

1. to cause sleep
2. POS: adjective
3. The cough medicine had a soporific effect.
4. synonym: calming, drowsy, quitening

1. to deliberately speak falsely
2. POS: verb
3. The inmate previcated to the jury.
4. synonym: lie, con, exaggerate

1. to deserve blame
2. POS: adjective
3. The reprehensible boy stole the candy.
4. synonym: blamable, guilty, unholy

1. to feel sorrowful
2. POS: noun
3. He was penitent as he prayed for forgiveness.
4. synonym: remorseful, rueful, sorrowful

1. seize live prey
2. POS: adjective
3. Wolves are very rapacious.
4. synonyms: ravenous, voracious, grasping

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