Thursday, November 29, 2007

Drew Reinke's Vocab

Description: Causing or tending to cause sleep.
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: TV is soporific for me.
Related Words: Hypnotic, Heavy, Relaxing (S)

Description: To Lie
Part of Speech: Verb
Sentence: Many athletes prevaricate about their home lives.
Related Words: Evade, Shift, Stall (S)

Description: Deserving to be blamed
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: The robber was reprehensible after being caught on the camera.
Related Words: Guilty, To blame, at fault (S)

Description: Feeling regretful
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: The driver was feeling penitent after driving through a red.
Related Words: Remorseful, Regretful, Rueful (S)

Description: Satisfaction of Greed
Part of Speech: Adjective
Sentence: I am rapacious until I figured out it is not good for you.
Related Words: Greedy, Voracious, Ravenous (S)

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