Thursday, November 29, 2007

Emily's Vocab

1) Soporific (noun)

Description: something that makes you tired, like a sleep drug.

Related Words: narcotic (s), hypnotic (s), analgesic (s)

Sentence: The girl was recommended a soporific drug to help her sleep.

2) Prevaricate (verb)

Description: to deceive or lie.

Related Words: belie (s), distort (s), misrepresent (s)

Sentence: The salesman prevaricated me into thinking that his merchandise was worth the high price.

3) Reprehensible (adjective)

Description: deserving blame or shame.

Related Words: praiseworthy (a), condemnable (s), blameable (s)

Sentence: The boy felt reprehensible after cheating on a test.

4) Penitent (adjective)

Description: a feeling of shame for doing something wrong

Related Words: unashamed (a), remorseful (s), apologetic (s)

Sentence: The boy felt penitent after facing the consequences of his actions.

5) Rapacious (adjective)

Description: plundering or greedy

Related Words: savage (s), predatory (s), voracious (s)

Sentence: My rapacious brother ate all the dessert on Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...
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