Monday, November 26, 2007

Evan's vocab

1. Soporific
- lethargy or causing sleepiness
- adjective
- hypnotic, somnolent, languor ( synonyms)
- The soporific beverage was most likely the cause of his car accident.

2. prevaricate
- To mislead, lie or create a false impression.
- equivocate, palter, fib ( synonyms)
- My mother always checks my story to make sure I didn't prevaricate.

3. Reprehensible
- worthy of being suspected or blamed.
- adjective
- culpable, blameworthy, guilty ( synonyms)
- The reprehensible boy claimed that he never took the last cookie even though it was a weekly occurence.

- A feeling of regret for ones actions or sins
- remorse, repentance, compunction ( synonyms )
- After killing the girl, he held a penitent expression on his face.

5. Rapacious
- Extremely greedy or covetous.
- adjective
- voracious, insatiable, gluttonous ( synonyms)
- The rapacious king, though rich beyond belief, chose to never give to the poor.

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