Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lisa's Vocabulary

1) Soporific

Definition- to cause sleep
POS- adjective
Synonyms- Hypnotic, heavy, monotonous
Sentence- The doctor gave Bethann a soporific pill, so that she would stop talking.
2) Prevaricate

Definition- to create a lie
POS- verb
Synonyms- belie, cavil, dodge
Sentence- As the child spoke the mother could tell it was just another prevaricate.
3) Reprehensible

Definition- deserving the blame
POS- adjective
Synonyms- guilty, culpable, liable
Sentence- The murder was reprehensible of his crime.
4) Penitent

Definition- feeling bad for doing something wrong
POS- Adjective
Synonyms- contrite, sorry, rueful
Sentence- The child felt penitent after ruining her moms dress.
5) Rapacious

Definition- extremely grasping or greedy
POS- adjective
Synonyms- greedy, grasping, ravenous
Sentence-Hannah is extremely rapacious, that’s why no one likes her.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

"Prevaricate" is a verb; you use it as a noun. (-1)