Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Alex Bergquist 12/14

Description – to drive or guide using a goad
POS - verb
Related Words – urge, prod, guide
Sentence – The farmer was goading the cow through the field.

Description – likely to change frequently
POS – adjective
Related Words – fickle, whimsical, fluctuating
Sentence – The young boy was capricious, mad one second and happy the next.

Description – to keep from happening by taking early action
POS - verb
Related Words – prevent, forestall, preclude
Sentence – Obeying the law should obviate any reason to be put in jail.

Description – an abnormal state that disrupts a living organism’s normal functioning
POS - noun
Related Words – disease, ailment, sickness
Sentence – The lion was sleeping and was weak from it’s malady.

Description – a feeling of well-being or contentment
POS - noun
Related Words – happiness, bliss, joy
Sentence – A feeling of felicity came over the man during his wedding reception.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

-5 for not identifying your related words. Are they synonyms, antonyms, or etymology?