Monday, December 10, 2007

Brittany D's Vocab (12/14)

Description: to urge someone on, or force someone to do something
POS: verb
Synonyms: drive, motivate, spur
Sentence: My mother has to goad me to clean my room.
Picture: Separate

Capricious Description: someone whose actions are never predictable
POS: adj
Synonyms: contrary, fickle, inconsistent
Sentence: Some teachers are very predictable, and others are capricious.
Picture: Separate

Description: To prevent or eliminate difficulties with a planned effort
POS: verb
Synonyms: avert, anticipate, interpose
Sentence: Our government tries to obviate conflicts with other countries.
Picture: Separate

Description: any disorder or disease of the body
POS: noun
Synonyms: ailment, condition, infection
Sentence: Two of my aunts have had severe maladies, both of them breast cancer.
Picture: Separate

Description: a state of being happy
POS: Noun
Synonyms: bliss, contentment, glee
Sentence: Today at the Field Museum in Chicago, Mrs. Maupin was in a total state of felicity.
Picture: Separate