Sunday, December 16, 2007

Kayla's Vocab

Vocab – Week of December 10


Description – To urge or prod as if with a long, pointed stick

POS – Verb

Picture – <--

Related Words – Egg on (synonym), hold back (antonym), provoke (synonym)

Sentence – My brother goaded me tauntingly to put the worm in my sleeping sister’s hair, but I maturely resisted.


Description – Characterized or subject to acting on a whim; impulsive and unpredictable

POS – Adjective

Picture – <--

Related Words – Careless (synonym), constant (antonym), dependable (antonym)

Sentence – Instead of following my well-planned schedule, I threw it in the trash and let my capricious desires take me wherever I would decide to go.


Description – To render unnecessary; to anticipate and do away with effectively; to prevent the occurrence of

POS – Verb

Picture – <--

Related Words – Avert (synonym), preclude (synonym), “obviatus” – “to meet and do away with” (Latin) (related term)

Sentence – Let’s obviate a confrontation by walking away and refusing to fight.


Description – Any disease, disorder, or ailment, esp. one that is chronic or deep-seated

POS – Noun

Picture – <--

Related Words – Illness (synonym), affliction (synonym), health (antonym)

Sentence – It would seem that with snow the winter brings an assortment of maladies, from the common cold to influenza.


Description – An instance of great happiness; bliss; an appropriate manner/style; An instance of pleasing manner; a cause of happiness

POS – Noun

Picture – <--

Related Words – Happiness (synonym), joviality (synonym), “felix”/ “felicis” – “happy, fortunate” (Latin based) (related word)

Sentence – Crossing the street, the little girl skipped with felicity, carrying handpicked dandelions and smiling.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

Great Job, Kayla.