Thursday, December 6, 2007

Colin Richards Vocab

P.O.S.: adverb
Description: fortunate, luckily.
Related Words: favorably (synonym), happily (synonym), unfortunately (antonym).
Sentence: Providentially a Canadian won the lottery twice.

P.O.S.: noun
Description: hell, everlasting punishment
Related Words: inferno (synonym), damnation (synonym), heaven (antonym).
Sentence: His immoral life led him on a road to perdition.

P.O.S.: adjective
Description: scornfully mocking, bitter, nasty
Related Words: satirical (synonym),cynical (synonym), kind (antonym).
Sentence: Little kids can be very sardonic when they are tired.

P.O.S.: adjective
Description: attempting to make someone sound stupid and ridicule.
Related Words: mocking (synonym), sarcasm (synonym), sardonic (synonym).
Sentence: Being sarcastic doesn't prove a point it only makes people angry.

P.O.S.: adjective
Description: selfish, self-centered.
Related Words: egocentric (synonym), humble (antonym), self-absorbed (synonym).
Sentence: not donating to charity around Christmas is a very solipsistic.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

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