Thursday, December 6, 2007

Jennifer's Vocab

1. Description: Someone that is lucky and fortunate.
2. Part of Speech: It is an adverb.
3. Picture: Separate
4. Related words include: providential (synonym), opportune (synonym), and unlucky (antonym).
5. Sentence: He was providentially chosen out of thousands for a trip to the Caribbean.

1. Description: Loss of spirits.
2. Part of speech: It is a noun.
3. Picture: Separate
4. Related words include: suffering (synonym), ruin (synonym), and affliction (synonym).
5. The perdition of the widow took place after the death of her husband.

1. Description: Mocking using bitter and scornful remarks.
2. Part of speech: It is an adjective.
3. Picture: Separate
4. Related words include: cynical (synonym), sneering (synonym), and arrogant (synonym).
5. Sentence: His sardonic comments and attitude made the other team feel inferior.

1. Description: An ironic remark intended to taunt.
2. Part of speech: It is an adjective.
3. Picture: Separate
4. Related words include: satirical (synonym), mocking (synonym), and respectful (antonym).
5. Sentence: Every person did not take her sarcastic remarks too seriously.

1. Description: When a person is preoccupied with his or her own desires and emotions.
2. Part of speech: It is an adjective.
3. Picture: Separate
4. Related words include: egoistic (synonym), conceited (synonym), and modest (antonym).
5. Her solipsistic personality reflects why most people think she is snobby.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

No pictures turned in. (-5)