Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Marc's Vocab

1. To drive or steer something in a forcing or painful manner.
2. Verb
3. force-s, whip-s, deter-a
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5. I had to goad the cattle into the pasture.

1. When someone changes their beliefs or attitude regularly.
2. Adjective
3. bipolar-s, moody-s, predictable-a
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5. The University of Michigan Football Team is very capricious, some days they play well, others they play terribly.

1. To eliminate or prevent from happening.
2. Verb
3. interfere-s, anticipate-s, allow-a
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5. An apple a day obviates doctor’s appointments.

1. A disease, disorder, or virus.
2. Noun
3. sickness-s, ache-s, condition-s
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5. My lady has a deathly malady and is in the hospital.

1. Being happy or something that causes happiness.
2. Noun
3. merry-s, joy-s, grumpy-a
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5. My tiredness was overpowered by felicity on Christmas morning.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

+1 for your play on words for malady.