Thursday, December 13, 2007

Stephanie's Vocab


1. Definition: To drive something in a forcing manner.
2. Part of Speech: Verb.
3. Related Words: Poke, Pinch, Prick
4. Sentence: The farmer goads his cattle into their pens.

1. Definition: Characterized by impulsiveness.
2. Part of Speech: Adjective.
3. Related Words: Unpredictable, Impulsive, Sudden.
4. Sentence: The capricious girl bought a pair of shoes without trying them on.

1. Definition: To anticipate and prevent.
2. Part of Speech: Verb.
3. Related Words: Prevent, Stop, Prohibit.
4. Sentence: My mom obviates me from doing my homework by making me do chores.

1. Definition: A disease, disorder, or virus.
2. Part of Speech: Noun.
3. Related words: Sickness, Ache, Condition.
4. Sentence: My grandma died from a malady.

1. Definition: Being happy or something that causes happiness.
2. Part of Speech: Noun.
3. Related Words: merry, joy, grumpy
4. Sentence: When I see my boyfriend I am overwhelmed with felicity.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

-5 for not identifyint realted words: synonyms, antonyms, or etymology.
"obviate" means to ANTICIPATE and avoid.(-1)for sentence.
19/30 until I see pictures.