Thursday, December 13, 2007

Anthony's Vocab

Goad- to incite or rouse
POS: transitive Verb
Sentence: The owner goaded the elephant.
Related Words: synonyms- motivate, thorn, spur

Capricious- unable to be predicted
POS: adjective
Sentence: He has always acted so capriciously.
Related Words: Synonyms- inconsistent, unpredictable, impulsive

Obviate- to avoid or anticipate
POS: transitive verb
Sentence: They completely obviated that question.
Related Words: Etymology:
Late Latin obviatus, past participle of obviare to meet, withstand, from Latin obviam

Malady- in bad condition, disease
POS: Noun
Sentence: Malady has spread throughout the school.
Related Words: Etymology:
Middle English maladie, from Anglo-French, from malade sick, from Latin male habitus in bad condition

Felicity- a state of being happy
POS: Noun

/\/\/\/\/\/\ I, Marissa, Alyssa, and Kim while in your class!
Sentence: There’s always a sense of felicity in the classroom after Mrs. Schellenberg says, “Ladies and Gentlemen…”.
Related Words: Etymology:
Middle English felicite, from Anglo-French felicité, from Latin felicitat-, felicitas, from felic-, felix fruitful, happy

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

"Obviate" means to avoid by anticipating....your sentence is only half right. (-1)