Thursday, December 13, 2007

Nick's Vocab

Definition: to push something in a forceful manner.
POS: Verb
Sentence: The gangster goaded me with his knife.
Related Words: poke, pinch, prick

Definition: impulsiveness
POS: Adjective
Sentence: The capricious man jumped out of the plane.
Related Words: unpredictable, impulsive, sudden

Definition: to prevent
POS: Transitive Verb
Sentence: The lack of snow obviated the snowmobilers from getting to ride the trails.
Related Words: prevent, stop, prohibit

Definition: a virus
POS: Noun
Sentence: You go to the doctor's office when you have a malady.
Related words: sickness, ache, condition

Definition: causes happiness
POS: Noun
Sentence: Playing hockey causes me lots of felicity.
Related Words: merry, joy, grumpy

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

25/30 until I see pix.