Thursday, December 6, 2007

Molly's Vocab

Description- marked by foresight
POS- adj
Related Words- satisfyingly, favorably, prosperously
Sentence- It was providential that I missed crashing into the car head on and only side swiped it.
Description- place of punishment
POS- noun
Related Words- condemnation, inferno, bottomless pit
Sentence- The movie "Road to Perdition" is about inmates on Death Row; heading to the end.

Description- skeptically humorous
POS- adj
Related Words- arrogant, bitter, offensive
Sentence- Some peoples sense of humor is very sardonic and sometimes hurtful.

Description- mocking tone
POS- adjective
Related Words- bitter, ornery, ironic
Sentence- I have to limit my sarcastic comments around my friends because the comments sometimes hurt their feelings.

Description-self exists in ones owns feelings
POS- adj
Related Words- concieted, selfish, egocentric
Sentence- Solipsistic people are not fun to be around, all they care about is themselves.

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