Thursday, December 6, 2007

Rachel's Vocab


Description: something happening by chance or luck.
POS: adj./adv.
Sentence: The peasant lacked a certain providentially.
Related Words: S- fortunate, favorably, prosperous


Description: losing ones soul.
POS: noun
Sentence: The road to perdition was a long one!
Related Words: S- damnation, hell, loss

Description: mocking, cynical.
POS: adj.
Sentence: The comedian was very sardonic towards his audience.
Related Words: S- bitter, mock, hostile.


Description: saying something that is the opposite.
POS: adj.
Sentence: The daughter used a very sarcastic tone with her dad.
Related Words: S- ironic, mocking, arrogant


Description:one's self exists in his or her feelings.
POS: adj.
Sentence: The monk was a very solipsistic person.
Related Words: S- self-absorption, A- conceited, big headed

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

'Providentially' is an adverb. You use it as a noun. (-1)