Thursday, December 6, 2007

Katie Ray's vocab

Description: Fortunate or lucky
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Swimmingly, Happily, Well: (s)
Sentence: Providentially I found my purse in my car, after I thought I had lost it.

Description: Hell
P.O.S: Noun
Related words: Purgatory, Inferno, Ruin: (s)
Sentence: We are on a high way to perdition.

Description: Mocking, cynical, sneering
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Nasty, Evil, Mean: (s)
Sentence: My teacher told me not to use that sardonic tone of voice with her.

Description: Taunting by speaking
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Ornery, Carping, Hostile: (s)
Sentence: Everyone thought I was serious, but I was just being sarcastic.

Description:Indulgence of one's feelings, desires
P.O.S: Noun
Related words: Self-absorbed, Selfish, Inward-looking :(s)
Sentence: She was so solipsistic no one liked her.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

I really don't understand the pictures you use for sardonic (Michael Jackson) or solpisistic (branches and spiderwebs). No credit unless you explain to me.