Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Courtney R's vocab

  • Description- Something that happens because of good fortune.
  • POS- adjective
  • Related Words- opportunely(s), prosperous(s), unfortunate(a)
  • Sentence- Winning the lottery was a providential event.
  • Description- Losing your soul.
  • POS- Noun
  • Related Words- condemnation(s), Hell(s), Heaven(a)
  • Sentence- The man's perdition was to go to Hell when he died.
  • Description- characterised by mocking.
  • POS- adjective
  • Related Words- sarcastic(s), nasty(s), kind(a)
  • Sentence- The sardonic bully made all the kids cry
  • Description- Expressing by saying the opposite.
  • POS- Adjective
  • Related Words- ironic(s), cynical(s), respectful(a)
  • Sentence- We never knew if he was serious or not when he made sarcastic comments.
  • Description- One's self is the only thing that exists.
  • POS- Adjective
  • Related Words- self-centered(s), selfish(s), obsessive(s)
  • Sentence- The solipsistic kid didn't care how others felt, as long as he got his way.