Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bethanie's vocab

Description- Something that happens because of good fortune.
POS- adjective
Related Words- opportunely-s, prosperous-s, unfortunate-a
Sentence- Procidentially, we got tickets to the concert today.

Description- Losing your soul.
POS- Noun
Related Words- condemnation-s, inferno-s, damnation-s
Sentence- After the shooting everyone was in perdition.

Description- characterised by mocking.
POS- adjective
Related Words- sarcastic-s, nasty-s, scornful-s
Sentence- The sardonic comment about my shoes urged me to get new ones.

Description- Expressing by saying the opposite.
POS- Adjective
Related Words- ironic-s, cynical-s, ironical-s
Sentence- My sister sarcasm can be hurtful sometimes.

Description- theory that the self is the only thing that exists.
POS- Adjective
Related Words- self-centered-s, selfish-s, obsessive-s
Sentence- The solipsistic actor didn't care to sign autographs.