Monday, December 10, 2007

Dan O.'s Vocab Week Of 12/10

Goad - to stir or urge on
POS - verb
Related Words - nag, drive, motivate (synonyms)
Sentence - Tino and Rob keep goading me to dress as Slash.
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Capricious - led by a sudden unpredictable change
POS - adjective
Related Words - unstable, moody, inconstant (synonyms)
Sentence - He's so capricious that I don't want to talk to him out of fear of how he will react.
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Obviate - to prevent using effective measures
POS - verb
Related Words - anticipate, eliminate, ward (synonyms)
Sentence - You can obviate the risk of injury in a car accident by wearing your seat belt.
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Malady - disease or disorder of the body
POS - noun
Related Words - affliction, ailment, illness (synonyms)
Sentence - Othello's frequent fainting was a malady.
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Felicity - the state of being happy
POS - noun
Related Words - bliss, delight, pleasure (synonyms)
Sentence - Children experience great felicity on Christmas morning.
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