Thursday, September 27, 2007

1. Belie
2. Verb
3. To show falsely; contradict.
4. contradict, deny, negate
5. Her face was belied by makeup because she had broken out in hives.

1. Clandestine
2. adjective
3. Characterized by secrecy.
4. concealed, hidden, undercover
5. The clandestine plan was to bomb Pearl Harbor.

1. Collusion
2. noun
3. A secret agreement.
4. deceit, trick, whitewash
5. The collusion was to rob the bank with out getting caught by the police.

1. Dissemble
2. verb
3. To give a misleading appearance to.
4. hide, simulate, cover
5. The man was dissembled by the crooks appearance.

1. Nefarious
2. adjective
3. To be extremely wicked.
4. abominable, degenerate, odious
5. The nefarious plot was to shave their friends eyebrows when he was sleeping.

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