Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Kelsie Sullivan's Vocab

1. Belie
Description- To give a false representation to.
Part of Speech- Verb
Sentence- Their laughter belied their outward grief.
Related Words: (Syn.) misrepresentation, lying (Ant.) truth

2. Clandestine
Description- Kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal something.
Part of Speech- Adjective
Sentence- I cheated very clandestinely.
Related Words- (Syn.) secret, sneaky, unknowing

3. Collusion
Description- A secret agreement between two or more parties for a fraudulent, illegal, or deceitful purpose.
Part of Speech- Noun
Sentence- The poker dealer and I made collusion so I could win the game.
Related Words- (Syn.) cheat, conspiracy (Ant.) truthful

4. Dissemble
Description- To disguise or conceal behind a false appearance.
Part of Speech- Verb
Sentence- He wore a mask to dissemble his ugly face.
Related Words- (Syn.) disguise, conceal, pretend

5. Nefarious
Description- Infamous by way of being extremely wicked.
Part of Speech- Adjective
Sentence- Dr. Evil was a nefarious man.
Related Words- (Syn.) evil, sinful, vicious

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