Thursday, September 27, 2007

Katie's Vocabulary

Belie (verb)
To be untruthfull; to lie.
Contradict, refute, controvert.
John tryed to belie his way out of the murder case.

Clandestine (adjective)
To keep in secret.
Concealment, hidden, confidential
The senior girls had a cladestine notebook.

Collusion (noun)
A secret agreement.
Intregue, pact, complicity
We had a collusion about who stole the car.

Dissemble (verb)
To disguise.
Mislead, conceal, hide.
Anthony trys to dissemble his birthmark.

Nefarious ( adjective)
Exremely wicked.
Evil, demoralizing, vile.
The witch from The Wizard of Oz was nefarious.

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