Thursday, September 20, 2007

Brianna K's Voacb

Description- A model or pattern used to guide
POS- Noun
Related Words- example (s), reproduction (s), pattern (s)
Sentence- The doctors use the X-rays as a paradigm for surgery.

Description- The study of texts and its meaning
POS- Noun
Related words- speech (s), alphabet (s), linguistics (s)
Sentence- Judy wants to study language and writing. Therefore she is taking a philology class.

Description- How speech sounds in language
POS- Noun
Related Words- language (s), talking (s), grammar (s)
Sentence- In a foreign language such as French, phonology of a word is immensely important.

Description- Using language effectively
POS- Noun
Related words- address (s), verbal communication (s), rant (s)
Sentence- The student put many rhetorical devices in her piece of writing.

Description- Sentence structure
POS- Noun
Related words- structure (s), arrangement (s), language rules (s)
Sentence- Creative syntax is important in writing a good essay.

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