Thursday, September 27, 2007

Melissa"s Vocab Week 3


Definition: Belie is to tell someone an idea that is false.

POS: This word is a Verb.

Related words: False, decieve, and hide are three related words.

Sentence: I belied my temper to make it seem like i wasn't angry.


Definition: Clandestine is a secret.

POS: This word is an Adjective.

Related Words: Clandestin, celare or clandestinus are all related words.

Sentence: The clandestine meeting was only for the smart people.


Definition: Something private that few people are informed of is a collusion.

POS: This is a Noun.

Related words: Complicity, conspiracy, or connivance are all related words.

Sentence: The photographer and his assistant were the only ones who knew what the picture looked like.


Definition: To have or make a false appearence.

POS: This is a Verb.

Related Words: Dissymblen, dissmulare, and dissimulen, are all related words to dissemble.

Sentence: When going to an interview you may dissemble yourself so the boss will hire you.


Definition: To be wicked or evil or to act this way.

POS: This word is an Adjetive.

Related Words: Bad, naughty, and viscous are all related words.

Sentence: The nefarious man murdered the small child.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

You don't use the word "collusion" in your sentence (-1).29/30