Thursday, September 27, 2007

Kirsten's Vocab

POS: Verb
Description: To show to be false, to misrepresent.
Related Words: contradict, refute, disprove
Sentence: Her shaking voice belied her calm demeanor.

POS: Adjective
Description: Done with secrecy or concealment.
Related Words: secretive, hidden, confidential
Sentence: The CIA performs clandestine operations.

POS: Noun
Description: A secret agreement for a deceitful purpose.
Related Words: conspiracy, connivance, intrigue
Sentence: The spy had a collusion with the government.

POS: Verb
Description: To conceal the truth or actuality of somehting.
Related Words: hide, mask, camofulage
Sentence: He pretended to read a book to dissemble his lack of intelligence.

POS: Adjective
Description: Extremely evil or villainous.
Related Words: infamous, evil, vile
Sentence: Movies often have a good and a nefarious character.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

No pix on sitre or turned in in class (-5).