Friday, September 21, 2007

megan's vocaulary

6. Paradigm- (noun) a set or group of an arrangement that can be in a model or pattern. It could also related one group to another.
• Related words- (synonyms) prototype, example, model or mold.
• The paradigm in the paragraph below was phenomenal.

7. Philosophy- (noun) a concept involving truths and much knowledge for guidance also known as principles.
• Related words- (synonyms) viewpoint, conception, and theory.
• The philosophy of my professor was so deep it changed my view on things.

8. Phonology- (noun) the study of pattern and speech sounds in pronunciation. It could also be an analysis and classification of a word.
• Related words- (synonyms) correspondence, similar, and relation.
• In the phonology of some words can be very confusing.

9. Rhetoric- (noun) making a figure of speech, to make persuasive or oratory.
• Related words- (synonyms) expression, phrasing, and thesis.
• The question was rhetoric and was very confusing.

10. Syntax- (noun) a pattern of grammatical sentences, and their orderly arrangements.
• Related words- (synonyms) structure, principals, and fundaments.
• The syntax of the last sentence was absolutely horrible.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

6. Your sentence for "paradigm" does not really get at the "meaning" of the word. You could mean "word choice," "font choice," "font color," ...or any number of things. If you would have added, " followed the pattern for writing paragraphs that we have learned since first grade..." your understanding of the woird would be more clearly demonstrated. (-1)
7. the word was philology, not philosophy. (-5)
8. Re-read your sentence. Delete either "In" or "the" at the beginning tro avoind a sentence fragement. (-1)
9. You use the word as an adjective, not a noun. The adjectival form would be "rhetorical." (-1)