Thursday, September 27, 2007

Shannon's vocab

1. Belie

Description-To lie.
Part of speech-Verb
Related words:
synonyms-disprove, contradict
Sentence- The boy’s smiled belied his true emotions.

2. Clandestine

Description- To deliberately hide something.
Part of speech-Adjective
Related words:
synonyms-hidden, secret
Sentence- They’re relationship was clandestine to the public.

3. Collusion

Description –Secret agreement.
Part of speech-Noun
Related words:
synonyms-complicity, connivance, collaboration
Sentence- The meeting was a collusion between the two men.

4. Dissemble

Description -To hide the truth
Part of speech-Verb
Related words:
synonyms-disguise, camouflage
Sentence- The soldiers were dissembled to everyone because of camouflage.

5. Nefarious

Description- Extremely evil
Part of speech-Adjective
Related words
Synonyms-odious, abominable, vicious
Sentence- The nefarious witch chased Dorothy and Toto down the yellow brick road.