Thursday, September 20, 2007

Leslie's vocab

n: Model, Pattern
P.O.S.: Noun

Related words: Prototype (s), Sample (s), Standard (s)
Sentence: The
artist used a paradigm to paint the same picture.

Description: Study of text, recor
ds, determination of meanings
P.O.S.: Noun

Related words: Letters (s), Speech (s), Linguistics (s)
Sentence: My science teache
r studied philology.

Description: Study in pattern of speech sounds
P.O.S.: Noun
Related words: Grammar (
s), Speech (s), Language (s)
Sentence: When we are little kid
s we practice phonology so we can speak properly.

Description: exaggeration, Language, Thought
P.O.S. Noun
Related words: Rant (s), Long speech (s), Composition (s)
Sentence: That was a rhetorical question.

Description: Linguistics, logic, computers
P.O.S.: Noun
Related words:
Alaphabet (S), Elements (s), Structure (s)
Sentence: You need to use pr
oper syntax when writing an essay.

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