Thursday, September 27, 2007

Kelsie Stephens Vocab Week 3

Belie-give a false impression of.

1. verb
2.syn-misrepresent, falsify, and fake

3.The child belied his innocents when he was caught sneaking a cookie.

Clandestine- secretive.

1. adjective
2. syn- covert, furtive, and stealthy

3. The woman was clandestine sharing no information about herself.

Collusion- A secret cooperation between people who do something wrong.

1. noun
2. syn- conspiracy, plot, and cahoots

3. The Mafia is a collusion.

Dissemble- pretend to conceal information/feelings.

1. verb
2. syn-pretend, feign, and conceal

3.The CIA agent dissembled on the president whereabouts.

Nefarious- Immoral/wicked.

1. adjective
2. ant- Admirable, Syn- villainous, and shameful.

3. The nefarious Saddam Hussein has killed thousands of people.

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