Monday, September 24, 2007

Leslie's vocab

1. belie
Description: Contradict, misrepresent, lie
P.O.S: Verb
Related words: Deny (s), oppose (s), negate (s)
Sentence: His trembling hands belied his calm voice.

2. clandestine
Description: Secrecy, concealment
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Undercover (s), hidden (s), concealed (s)
Sentence: Their clandestine meetings went undiscovered for two years.

3. collusion
Description: Agreement, purposes, conspiracy
P.O.S: Noun
Related words: Scam (s), Dodge (s), trick (s)
Sentence: Some of his employees were acting in collusion to rob him.

4. dissemble
Description: False, disleading, concealing the truth
P.O.S: Verb
Related words: Doublespeak (s), mask (s), camouflage
Sentence: To dissemble one's incompetence in business.

5. nefarious
Description: Wicked, Villainous
P.O.S: Adjective
Related words: Glaring (s), infernal (s), vicious (s)
Sentence: The book that I read had a nefarious plot.

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