Thursday, September 27, 2007

Santino's vocab


Description: To lie

Part of speech: verb

Sentence: The Magazine belied the facts about O.J. Simpson.

Related words: synonyms refute, disprove, controvert


Description: Secrecy or concealment

Part of speech: Adjective

Sentence: George Bushes Clandestine meetings went on with his cabinet members to come up with a way to take over Iraq apparently they were successful.

Related words: synonyms, intrigue, connivance, complicity


Description: secret agreement

Part of speech: Noun

Sentence: George bush made a lot of coullusions with the florida government to give him the state.

Related words: synonyms, intrigue, connivance, complicity


Discription: Mislead

Part of speech: verb

Sentence: George Bush likes to find ways to dissemble the citizens of the United States.

Related Words: synonyms, mask, hide, camouflage


Description: wicked

Part of speech: Adjective

Sentence: If i didnt know better i would have to that George Bush has many similarities to the nefarious dictatior Adolf Hitler.

Related words: synonyms, flagitious, heinous, infamous

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