Thursday, September 27, 2007

megan's vocabulary

1. Belie- (verb) to represent falsely, or to be in contradiction with.
• Related words: synonyms- refute, disapprove, repudiate.
• I must belie the presentation in order to pass.
2. Clandestine- (adjective) kept in secret and done in concealment.
• Related words: synonyms- hidden underhand confidential.
• I was involved in a clandestine project about the man and the moon.
3. Collusion- (noun) secret agreement in conspiracy.
• Related words: synonyms- intrigue, connivance, complicity.
• The collusion had broken apart our once close knit relationship.
4. Dissemble- (verb) to ignore or make a misleading appearance to others, to deceive someone or make them believe in false truth.
• Related words: synonyms- camouflage, dissimulate, misrepresentation.
• I have tried to see and dissemble parts of the truth in the pageant.
5. Nefarious- (adjective) extremely mean or cruel.
• Related words: synonyms- iniquitous, heinous, atrocious.
• Mary is known for her nefarious tricks that seem to make everyone cry.

1 comment:

Julie Schellenberg said...

No pictures (either on site or turned in).