Thursday, September 27, 2007

Alex's Vocab 2nd hour w/o 9/28

POS: verb
Description: to disguise or contradict, give a wrong impression of something
Related Words (meaning): disguise, contradict, conceal
Sentence: The man was belied in a costume, so you could not see his true identity

POS: adjective
Description: marked by or associated with secrecy
Related Words (meaning): secret, deception, con
Sentence: The clandestine plan to rob the bank was sure to clear security.

POS: noun
Description: a secret agreement or pact, especially for illegal activity
Related Words (meaning): intrigue, plot, scheme
Sentence: The con artists were in collusion with each other to break into the White House.

POS: verb
Description: to take on a deceptive or dishonest mentality or personality
Related Words (meaning): pretend, dissimulate, simulate
Sentence: The mischievous children were dissembling before my eyes.

POS: adjective
Description: extremely evil and sinful; bad
Related Words (meaning): evil, bad, vicious
Sentence: The nefarious neighbor kids deserve the electric chair for there wrong doings.

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