Thursday, September 27, 2007

Allysa Dowdens vocab

Belie means to give a false representation.
Belie is a verb.
"His innocent face belies his action."
Three related words to belie are disagree, deny and lie.

Clandestine means is secret or hidden.
Clandestine is an adjective.
"The spy had a clandestine mission last week."
Three realted words to clandestine are undercover, underhand and underground.

Collusion means to have a secret agreement.
Collusion is a noun.
"The spy had a collusion on when to rob the bank."
Three related words to collusion are guilt, scam and deciet.

Dissemble means to disguise or conceal behind a false appearance
Dissemble is a verb.
"No one knew who the spy was becasue he dissembled himself."
Three related words to dissemble are cover up, fake and hide.

Nefarious means to be wicked.
Nefarious is an adjective.
"The teacher was nefarious toward the kids who failed thier test."
Three related words to nefarious are witch, mean and evil.