Thursday, September 27, 2007

Tori's Vocab

POS: Belie is a verb.
Description: contradicting or proving wrong.
sentence: His grumbling complaints belied his smile.
Related Words: disprove, controvert, repudiate, refute

POS: Clandestine is an adjective.
Description: Clandestine means secretive or hidden.
Sentence: Their clandestine feelings were finally dealt with.
Related Words: hidden, underhand, confidential, illicit

POS: Collusion is a noun.
Description: Collusion means a secret treaty or pact.
Sentence: Some friends were acting in collusion to pay back Andy.
Related Words: intrigue, connivance, complicity

POS: Dissemble is a verb.
Description: Dissemble means to put on a fake face or appearance.
Sentence: She dissembled her opinion on my new hair cut.
Related Words: hide, camouflage, dissimulate.

POS: Nefarious is an adjective.
Description: Nefarious means extremely evil or wicked.
Sentence: She glanced over and gave a nefarious smirk.
Related Words: infamous, vile, atrocious, execrable

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